Orange District Annual Summer Conference


CFWC Orange District Annual Summer Conference – Building on Success
Limit of 10 tickets
Friday, August 16, 2024
9:00am – 3:00pm
Fiddler’s Green at Joint Forces Training Base
4745 Yorktown Ave, Building 19
Los Alamitos, 90720
Reservations $10 per person WCOF members only (Includes $5 registration & Lunch)
IMPORTANT!  RSVP Deadline August 9th
Keynote Speaker:
Scott Hacker, Life Coach
Scott has developed successful methods designed to empower us
to lead our best lives – lives marked by clarity, energy and purpose.
Learn practical strategies for living with greater intent & fulfillment.



5 in stock



CFWC Orange District Annual Summer Conference

Friday August 16, 2024
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Fiddler’s Green at Joint Forces Training Base
4745 Yorktown Ave, Building 19
Los Alamitos, 90720
Reservations: $10 for WCOF Members  (Reg. $25 per person (Includes $5 registration & Lunch)

Keynote Speaker: Scott Hacker, Life Coach
Scott has developed successful methods designed to empower us
to lead our best lives – lives marked by clarity, energy and purpose.
Learn practical strategies for living with greater intent & fulfillment.

  • Continental Breakfast
  • Taco Fiesta Buffet Lunch
  • 4 Great Workshops Shopping
  • Done-in-a-Day Service Project
  • District Chairmen’s Fair (displays & handouts)
  • Workshops:
     Be Practically Perfect in Parliamentary Procedure
     Membership — Not Just a Numbers Game
     Budgets: An Important Key to Club Success
     Every Club Member Plays a Role in Advocacy

RSVP Deadline Aug 9th, 2024

9:00 am Registration, Vendors, Chairman Information Tables, and lite refreshments
9:30 am Opening Comments and Keynote Speaker (main room)
10:45 am Vendors and Chairman Tables / Break
11:00 am Session One Workshops (Two per session)
11:45 am Lunch / Vendors and Chairman Tables open
12:45 pm Session Two Workshops (Two per session)
1:30 pm Session Three Workshops (Two per session)
2:15 pm Final Vendors and Chairman Tables / Break
2:30 pm Group Activity, Opportunity Drawing, and Door Prizes (main room)
3:00 pm Conclusion